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Jennifer Charron • April 30, 2023

The source of the inspiration.... The Witty Whisker

While on a long weekend a few years ago we decided to visit St. Augustine with the family. When we got into town we spotted this really cool place called "The Witty Whisker" and my daughter and I were intrigued. After finally convincing my husband that we needed to see what it was all about we went online and booked our session. It was amazing. The owner and her helper were so helpful and informative when we started asking questions on how she got started and how she was keeping the dream alive during and post pandemic. When we got home we started looking for properties. Fast forward a few years and we may have the purfect place. Fingers crossed!

By Jennifer Charron June 19, 2023
We are sad to announce the passing of our beloved Lovey. She was one of the sweetest cats whose name was a perfect match. She loved cuddling up in your lap, kneading with her little soft paws and drooling out of pure happiness. I have never met a sweeter cat then her and our hearts are broken. You will never been forgotten my sweet Love.
May 11, 2023
How did we end up with so many cats?
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